How This Site Works
JOBS.US.COM is part of a comprehensive job search engine with the goal of helping employers connect with high quality potential new employees.
Ads appear at JOBS.US.COM and are also displayed across the Simply Hired network, which means they’ll be seen at sites like Simply Hired, LinkedIn, and MySpace. And the greater the visibility your listings receive, the more traffic your job postings customers will get.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why hasn’t my job appeared in the job listings yet?
It usually takes 15-90 minutes for a job posting to appear in the listings. Please check back then.
Will my job listings be distributed to other sites?
The job listings you post on this site are also included in the Simply Hired database, free-of-charge. This means they will automatically be available to job seekers on partner sites throughout the Simply Hired Network. This includes sites such as MySpace, LinkedIn, and thousands of other content sites, social networks and blogs.
Will my information as the job poster be published anywhere?
No, the “Job Poster Information” section is for record-keeping only. Only the “Apply to” fields are published with the listing, if provided. For more information, please consult our privacy policy and Simply Hired’s privacy policy.
How will the charge appear on my credit card statement?
The charge will appear on your credit card statement as “Jobamatic.” (Who is “Jobamatic?“)
Do you accept international credit cards?
Unfortunately, at this time we do not support international billing addresses, so we only accept U.S. credit cards. In the future we plan to expand this to support international credit card addresses, so please check back for updates.
Will I receive an invoice?
No. Your credit card is charged automatically and you will be provided with a receipt.
Where is my receipt?
After you have submitted your credit card and billing information, the confirmation page will include a copy of your receipt. Please print this page for your records. A copy will also be sent to the email address you provided under the section “Job Poster Information.”
Why didn’t I receive a receipt?
Sometimes receipts end up in your “junk” or “spam” folder. However if it’s not there, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to send you a copy.
What if I misplaced, deleted, or didn’t receive a receipt or confirmation email?
Please contact support. We will be happy to send you a copy.
Can I edit my job listing?
Yes. The confirmation email you received when you posted the job contains an edit link. Just follow the link to edit your listing. After you complete your edit(s), we will show you a preview of the job listing with your edits, but your changes are not saved until you hit the “Save” button on the preview page.
How do I close or delete a job listing?
In the confirmation email you received when you posted the job, you will find a link to close or delete your job listing. Go ahead and follow this link, but please note that if you delete your job early by mistake, it is not recoverable and you will not be refunded any portion of your fee.
I’ve filled my job early. Can I have a refund?
Unfortunately, we do not provide refunds, but congratulations on filling the position!
I didn’t get the applications I was looking for. Can I have a refund?
Unfortunately, we do not provide refunds.
Who is “Jobamatic?”
Job-a-matic is the software that powers this site’s job board. The job search functionality is provided by Simply Hired, whose goal is to make finding your next job or next employee a simple yet enjoyable journey. To learn more, visit us at
Do you have any other questions? Contact Support.